Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bella Swan ( Twilight Movie)

I moved around a lot when I was younger, living first in California and later Phoenix, Arizona. Last January I moved to the small town of Forks, Washington. I was hesitant about the move at first, it is always cloudy, rainy, and cold. Not to mention the gross squashy green stuff that seems to grow on everything that should be brown. (I love warmth and sunshine - my pale skin needs it!) But it is worth it because I am able to live with my dad, Charlie, and met the love of my life, Edward Cullen. Even though the male population of Forks High was giving me a strange amount of attention, it was Edward who I was drawn to. The first time we met, in biology class, I was surprised by how much he seemed to not want to be around me. Later I found out that it was because he was trying to resist the smell of my blood; basically, he was trying not to kill me.

You may have noticed that my boyfriend glitters. It's just something he does in the sun.

Yes, that is because Edward Cullen is a vampire. But not in the traditional, Dracula sort of way. As it turns out, real vampires don't sleep in coffins (in fact, they don't sleep at all), they don't mind garlic or crosses, sunlight doesn't kill them (although they can't be seen in it, since it literally sparkles off of their skin), and they are irresistibly beautiful. The one thing that is the same from the traditional myth is that they do need blood to survive. However, Edward and his family live off of animal blood, jokingly calling themselves "vegetarians."

At first, Edward tried to stay away from me "for my own good," but it was impossible for us to stay away from each other, and eventually he gave in. Everything seemed as though it was going well, even his family accepted me, and then James and his coven came into town. James, a vampire hunter, set it in his mind to kill me, but after a long chase, the Cullen's eventually disposed of him.

The summer before my senior year of high school was fantastic - Edward and I spent every day together, and I grew closer with his family. But then right after my 18th birthday in September, Edward and his family left town "for my own good." The only "good" outcome from that was that Jake and I were able to become best friends. Thinking that Edward did not love me had to be one of the most painful emotions ever, but Jake helped me get through the days, no mater how bard they were. But it turned out that Jake had a secret as well - him and some of the others in La Push are werewolves. Again, not in the typical sense. They don't have to change at the full moon, and would never hurt a human.

I had never meant to love him. Love gives someone the power to break you.

After an unfortunate incident where Edward thought I jumped off a cliff and died (Alright, I did jump off a cliff, but it was into water, and Jake saved me from Victoria who was waiting in the water to kill me. It's too bad Alice can't see wolves in her visions.) Anyway, Edward became suicidal thinking about a life without me and ran to Italy with the intention of making the Volturi, who are vampire royalty, kill him. Luckily, Alice and I were able to make it to Italy in time to save Edward, but not without a confrontation with the leaders of the Volturi themselves, who decided that they were either going to turn me into one of them, or kill me. After some negotiation, Carlisle agreed to change me after my high school graduation. I cannot wait to become part of their family, and spend eternity with Edward. When I got back from Italy, Charlie grounded me. Not that I can blame him. after all, I did disappear for three days without letting him know what was going on. Charlie eventually decided it was about time to let me mingle outside our out-of-the-way home after a few weeks of being grounded in order to rekindle my friendships with those from school. It was difficult at first, I guess. I’m just glad that a few of my friends proved faithful even after those traumatic seven months. But we won’t go into detail about that. You understand. As my high school career comes to a definite close, I have been able to graduate from Forks High with my diploma, alongside Edward and Alice Cullen without any regrets and hindrances. The ceremony wasn’t all that enthralling in my opinion, but of course it meant a lot to my dad; I guess I can’t blame him. Despite the after-party Alice eagerly put together, these past few weeks have been rather peaceful, and I’ve been enjoying the time to relax. Well, I suppose that’s not entirely true. Victoria finally revealed herself, after the Cullens and I discovered her course of action. The menacing threat she posed to me has ceased to exist; the string of murders that plagued Seattle has come to a close, much to our delight. We are all safe, now, knowing that the Volturi have crossed back to Volterra after their all too brief visit to our little community, here in Forks.

Love is irrational. The more you love somebody, the less anything makes sense.

I didn't know how Charlie and Renee would react to the news of my and Edward's engagement. At first Charlie thought it was a riot, and insisted that I be the one to break the news to my mother. The thought terrified me, but it turned out that Renee fully supported my decision to marry Edward. She seemed to be more sure about the entire thing than I was. The fateful day crept up on me quickly, but there was one thing that was missing. My best friend Jacob Black left town after hearing the news, and I doubted that he would return any time in the near future.

Upon taking those first few steps down the aisle, everything seemed to instantly fall into place. The moment I saw Edward's face waiting for me at the altar, I forgot all of the doubts I previously held about the marriage. I loved him, and that was all that mattered, as long as we both shall live. It was one of the most joyous moments of my life when we were pronounced man and wife, and it seemed as though everything was perfect. Then came the biggest surprise of all - Jake decided to make an appearance. I was overjoyed to see him, and at first everything between us was as it always was. It was obviously too much of me to expect for the entire wedding to run perfectly, and Jake (along with some other members of the pack who came along to watch out for him) got slightly defensive, ending in them having to leave. Edward and I returned to the wedding, and I was able to push the small issue out of my mind and enjoy my wedding day to the fullest extent possible.

Saying goodbye to Charlie and Renee was extremely difficult, as I knew it would be a long time until I would see them again, if at all. But soon Edward and I made it to the location of our honeymoon, a wonderful little island called "Isle Esme" off the coast of Rio de Janeiro that Carlisle purchased for Esme for their anniversary. (Yes, he bought her an island.) It was on this island that Edward and I finally consummated our marriage, and the night was more amazing than I even imagined. Despite Edward's original hesitation to be together more than one time, I eventually managed to change his mind. However, this didn't come without a surprise. I had always believed that it was impossible for vampires to reproduce, for that was what I had been told. But my obvious pregnancy proved otherwise, and much to my surprise I found myself looking forward to having my child, despite the fact that I never desired to have a child before that point.

Carlisle and Edward didn't have quite the same reaction to the pregnancy that I did. The first thing they said upon hearing the news was that they had to "get the thing out of me." Out of defense to this idea, I called the only one who would understand my thoughts on the matter - Rosalie. Ironic that she would be the one to help me, but the previously distant member of the Cullen family was the first to rush to my side and support my decision, helping me through the entire pregnancy. To be quite honest, I thought that the baby inside of me would likely kill me. But then Jake had this idea - that since the baby had Edward's vampire genes, it needed blood. I was willing to do anything for the survival of my child, even if it meant drinking blood to keep him alive while I was still human. Turned out that the blood tasted good to me, and it was exactly what my baby needed.

The baby came a few days earlier than expected, and everything about the birth was a blur. I recall people fussing over me, and the image of Renesme's face before entering darkness. Then the fire began. The scorching, burning fire running throughout every single vein, burning me alive from the inside out. Every other painful break or fall I'd experienced in my life seemed pleasant compared to this pain that made me want to die a thousand times over. After two long days in which time seemed to move at a complete standstill, the change was complete. I was what I had been begging Edward to make me for over a year - a vampire. I was officially one of the Cullens.

I had been warned that the first year of being a new-born would be one of extreme difficulty, and I believe it was this preparation for the challenge I was to encounter that made me able to control the new-born instincts to the point where I basically skipped over the year of what was supposed to be a lack of control to actually being me. Yes, I looked different, but it didn't take long for me to realize that I was still the same person inside, although all of my abilities were heightened to a degree my human mind never could have imagined. The strength was something I never believed I would be able to have - Edward actually called me graceful. Even as a vampire, that was something I never believed I would ever hear.

My first hunting trip was more successful than anticipated, and I managed to do what should apparently be impossible for a new-born vampire - resist the smell of human blood. I have to admit that I was tempted, and that I did begin to chase after them before Edward stopped me. I growled at him, but that was the worst that happened with that situation. My first meal was a mountain lion - Edward's favorite. Although the experience proved to be rather messy, which Edward says will improve with time, I was glad to find that I wasn't as bad at it as I anticipated. When I returned, I was in for quite the surprise. It didn't take long for Jake to let me know that he imprinted on my daughter. At first I was furious with the concept of that, and even tried to attack my best friend. Given time, I realized that it all made sense. The connection I once felt with Jake, that I needed him with me, had finally dissipated into the normal feeling of friendship that we should have had from the beginning. Now that Edward and I had each other and Jake and Nessie had each other, it was as though everything were finally where it should be.

It didn't take long for conflict to arise. Irina from the Denali coven decided to pay us a visit to apologize for missing the wedding, and witnessed Jake interacting in the forest from a distance. She assumed what anyone else in her position would - that Nessie was one for the forbidden Immortal Children. I do not blame her for this assumption - Nessie's kind is extremely rare and it was unknown at the time, so it would be the most obvious conclusion for Irina to jump to. But as a strict follower of the law she went to the Volturi to tell them what she witnessed, and Alice soon saw a vision of a massive attack in the meadow with the entire Volturi at the forefront.

It seemed impossible that we could win the upcoming battle. This is the Volturi we're talking about, and they aren't ones to take the law lightly. Once they make a decision that justice needs to be served, they have no mercy. We did the only thing possible to save our lives - gather a slew of witnesses to contest to the fact that Nessie is not one of the Immortal Children, and prepare for the worst. Kate from the Volturi worked with me on my ability, and I managed to learn the beginnings of using my shield power to protect those around me. When the fateful day came when the Volturi arrived at Forks, no one had any idea what would happen. We were prepared to talk, to fight, or to die. But whatever happened, we had to try. They say the reason the Volturi listened to us was because of me. In the high pressure atmosphere, something clicked in my mind with how to use my power, and I was able to protect everyone on our side from being affected by the "witch twins" powers. Without my ability, we would have been knocked senseless and murdered on the spot. I refuse to take all the credit, but I am determined to learn how to use my power to the best ability I possibly can.

Everything is "boring" now, and I honestly couldn't be happier. I am married to the man I love forever, living with a family whom I love, and still able to be around Charlie and Renee. I hope to attend college sometime in the future, and for now am enjoying the time I have with Edward, since time is a precious thing that should never be wasted.

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